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Same Game, New Rules

It feels like everything changed in an instant. Leaders and Sellers are reacting to the new normal of the COVID-19 crisis. Many of us have found ourselves having to navigate an entirely new working environment. Specifically, working remotely. While this may not be new or even challenging for everyone, it can take a toll on …

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Just Stop

Just, adverb: only or merely. Please consider removing the word “just” from your vocabulary, or at the very least from your follow up email correspondence. “Just floating this to the top of your inbox…” “Just following up on…” “Just checking in on…” “Just wanted to….” “Just blah, blah blah…” These are the most common opening …

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Pipeline or Pipedream?

There are lots of things salespeople don’t like to do: call reports, expenses reports, CRM data entry, company meetings, and of course, the dreaded Opportunity Pipeline Review. Ironically sales managers frequently dislike many of the same things, as they can easily cause frustration for both parties. With Opportunity Pipeline Reviews, the most common cause of …

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Why You Are Being Ghosted

Ghosting is a relatively new term for an old sales problem. The Urban Dictionary defines “ghosting” as the practice of ending a relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication. Connecting or reconnecting with prospective customers throughout the sales cycle can be incredibly frustrating for salespeople. Even when responding to inbound …

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