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Same Game, New Rules

It feels like everything changed in an instant. Leaders and Sellers are reacting to the new normal of the COVID-19 crisis. Many of us have found ourselves having to navigate an entirely new working environment. Specifically, working remotely. While this may not be new or even challenging for everyone, it can take a toll on …

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Why You Are Being Ghosted

Ghosting is a relatively new term for an old sales problem. The Urban Dictionary defines “ghosting” as the practice of ending a relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication. Connecting or reconnecting with prospective customers throughout the sales cycle can be incredibly frustrating for salespeople. Even when responding to inbound …

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The Four People You Meet in the Sales Cycle

As you navigate the sales cycle (from prospecting to closing the deal), you will encounter several types of people along the way. Knowing who they are and their role in the process is critical to your success. Information Gathers This person is doing just that; gathering information about your product or service. If it’s a …

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7 Things Breaking Your Culture

Company culture is a more than just a buzzword tossed out by “Thought Leaders”. Every company has assets—most of them can be quantified. Company culture however is a critical component to the health of any organization and is nearly impossible to place a dollar value on. The costs of a bad company culture can be …

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3 Reasons Why Thank You Notes Work

I’ve recently been reminded just how important hand written thank you notes can be in the business world. When I work with leaders and sales professionals as a coach,  or when I meet someone new and start to build a relationship I send them a short hand written thank you card. Nothing extravagant. A brief  …

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Don’t Follow Up

In Sales it’s About “Follow Though” not “Follow Up” Follow up is a struggle for many sales people and sales managers. For the seller the struggle is usually in reconnecting with the prospect, customer, or client after the last meeting. Perhaps because there was no call to action or clear next step, date, and time …

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Under Pressure? Why You’re Not Getting the Best From Your People

Workplace stress is the “Not So Silent” killer of an organization. A company’s growth can be easily hampered when just a few people are under even moderate workplace stress. Stress can limit growth and will prevent a firm from ever reaching its full potential. Workplace stressors are hiding everywhere and are often disguised. They don’t …

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